On 20th march 2012, the  youth center in KG halli, Bangalore which IPH has been instrumental in starting began on a happy note. The program was inaugurated   by councillor Ms.Shaina Taj (ward No.30), special invitees – Dr. Aftab Ahmed, Dr Trupti Kulkarni, Mr.Rayappa, Health Inspector, BBMP.

The participants were Sangha members, School teachers, BBMP officials, Link workers from the Urban health centre  and some local youth.

This youth centre was started as part of the urban health project initiative where we would like to provide basic computer training for free of charge, for the school dropout youths in the area with aim to empower them to seek jobs.

Another activity which we plan to do in the youth centre is Library, which is open for public use. In the long run we hope to empower some of the young people in the area and encourage them to widen their horizons.

Within a few days we find that the place is bustling with the sounds of shy young people who wish to read, and for the first time in their lives have a place down the road they can go to in order to enjoy a book.