Training Team Members at IPH Attended Eighth Annual LINQED Workshop in



Diljith Kannan, training coordinator and Dr.Aneesha Ahluwalia, tutor for e-learning courses attended the eighth annual workshop of the LINQED educational network. The workshop was organised at the Uganda Martyrs University (Faculty of Health Sciences), Kampala, Uganda from 17th till 20th May 2016.


Started in 2008, LINQED refers to Learning together on quality in education in international health, working on quality in education and linking up people. It is a network of educational and government institutions providing postgraduate level training in human and animal tropical medicine, public health and international health.

LINQED organises annual workshops that focus on pedagogy, quality assurance and e-learning. The theme for this year was ‘Improving education leadership and research, cooperative learning and critical thinking in higher education’.


The focus areas of the workshop:

  • Cooperative learning
  • Critical thinking
  • Educational research
  • Education leadership


The workshop was a good networking platform, where the members got an opportunity to interact with participants from various countries and share their experiences. Diljith Kannan  presented about quality assurance and IPH experience with e-learning.  The workshop helped IPH members gain new perspectives about the learning activities and education research. It  was like a stepping stone towards introducing new learning activities in their e-learning courses.  The workshop was also promising in terms of providing us support for research in the field of e-learning.