Judicial Workshop at University of Chicago Center in Delhi

Judicial Workshop at University of Chicago Center in Delhi


IPH faculty Dr. Vijayashree Yellappa, attended judicial workshop; Tuberculosis, Human Rights and Law at Chicago University, Delhi Centre.


Despite the fact that tuberculosis (TB) is a curable disease, it is the leading cause of death worldwide in 2014. Recognising the urgency to tackle the problem, University of Chicago, Delhi Centre, organised a Judicial workshop titled- Tuberculosis, Human Rights and Law 19- 20 December 2015. Workshop comprised of judges and other legal professionals in order to familiarize the legal community in India and other Commonwealth jurisdictions with the legal and human rights issues associated with TB. Along with judges and lawyers, participants also included medical and public health experts, civil society, and people living with TB and former TB patients.

46th World Conference on Lung Health at Cape Town

46th World Conference on Lung Health at Cape Town



Dr.Vijayashree Yellappa, Faculty at IPH presented a study at 46th World Conference on Lung Health at Cape Town

( 2nd December – 6th December).


Title of the presentation: Retail Private Pharmacist’s referral practices and perceptions to collaborate with National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP):  Qualitative Study, South India.

The study findings were part of a larger study conducted for World Bank in 2013 in Karnataka, India, to evaluate the Results based financing strategies for TB care.

Retail Private Pharmacist’s (RPP) knowledge and perceptions to collaborate with National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP): Qualitative Study, South India

Vijayashree Yellappa, Hima Bindu, Neethi V Rao, Devadasan Narayanan

Background: In India, RPPs are often first and repeated point of contact for patients. NTP is involving RPPs through Indian Pharmaceutical Association by training them to identify and refer chest symptomatics to NTP for TB diagnosis. We conducted this study to assess RPP’s (i) knowledge and referral practices (ii) stocking and dispensing of TB drugs (iii) kickbacks to providers.

Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 40 RPPs in Bangalore (urban=19) and Tumkur district (rural=21) during 2013 from Karnataka, India. RPPs were randomly selected from the register maintained with district drug controller.

Link to know more Abstract details: Click here