by iphindia | Jun 27, 2010 | Latest Updates, Media advocacy, Publications, Research
Publication year: 2009
Publication type: peer reviewed journal
Citation: Bhojani UM, Chander SJ, Devadasan N. Tobacco use and related factors among pre-university students in a college in Bangalore, India. National Medical Journal of India 2009;22(6):294-97
Available full text at the National Medical Journal of India (more…)
by iphindia | Feb 17, 2009 | Latest Updates
Full citation: Pasricha Sant-Rayn ; Vijaykumar Varalaxmi ; Prashanth NS ; Sudarshan H ; Biggs Beverley-Ann ; Black Jim ; Shet Arun. A community based field research project investigating anaemia amongst young children living in rural Karnataka, India: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2009;9(1):59. (more…)