by iphindia | Aug 16, 2017 | Blog, Latest Updates, Public Health Seminars
18 August 2017, 2.00-5.00 pm
Institute of Public health
#250, 2nd C Main, 2nd C Cross,
Girinagar Ist Phase,
Bengaluru – 560085
The seminar will focus on Mapping out the landscape of research methods in public health ranging from experimental/quasi-experimental methods to various other social science research methods and participatory methods in relation to their disciplinary underpinnings, epistemology and ontology. In a second part of the session, there will be a discussion on the typology of research questions in public health, especially within health policy and systems research, focusing on what kind of research approaches suit specific questions and why.
by iphindia | Mar 16, 2016 | ATM, Blog, Latest Updates

Dr Praveenkumar Aivalli blog titled, ” What I learnt from my first health system research project ” published in BioMed Central
Starting my first research project
Back in 2013, I just stepped out of my university after getting my Master of Public Health degree, in no time I was given an excellent opportunity to work on a World Health Organization (WHO) funded health system research project in one of the reputed public health research institutes in Bangalore. It was the first research project of my public health career and as a new bee, I was buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm about the study.
The project was on improving NCD (Non Communicable Diseases) care at primary health centers in one of the districts in south India. It was a quasi experimental study trying to understand the impact of health system interventions through a baseline and end line household and facility surveys.
For better coordination, exposure and learning, I was placed in the study district. Having completed most of my education in the country, it was not that difficult for me to understand our country’s health system.
We visited more than 1000 families to get data on NCD care at the rural level, health seeking behaviors of NCD patients and their out pocket expenditures for NCD care.
The theoretical explanations from classrooms started fitting in its notches when I got exposed to the field during the early days of the project. I got the hang of the project fairly quickly and began preparing for the baseline survey in the year of 2013.
We visited more than 1000 families to get data on NCD care at the rural level, health seeking behaviors of NCD patients and their out pocket expenditures for NCD care. We also visited primary health centers and private pharmacies in the area to collect information on medicine availability.
To read more about Dr Praveenkumar Aivalli blog Click here
by iphindia | Nov 23, 2015 | Blog, Latest Updates

Dr. Arun Jithendra, Dr. Praveen Aivalli and Dr. Samantha Lobbo, attended a four day regional course on Good Health Research Practice (GHRP) by the Regional Training Center, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia from July 27th – 30th, 2015.
The regional course on Good Health Research Practice was jointly organized by the TDR, (the Special program for Research and Training in Tropical diseases) and Regional Training Center Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. The course had participants with diverse backgrounds from countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia and India. The facilitators for the course were Varalakshmi Elango and Patricia Henley from TDR; Yodi Mahendradhata and Riris Andono Ahmad from Regional Training Center, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
The aim of the course was to guide the participants towards having a standardized research protocol that could be used in newer avenues of public health research like implementation research. The course was spread over 4 days with modules comprising of lectures, discussions and group activities. The following topics were covered as the part of the course:
- Principles of research ethics and quality
- Study planning and management
- Informed consent
- Tools for data collection
- Tools for study conduct and quality assurance
- Study sites and study team
- Organization breakdown structure and Delegation log
- Study site checklist
- Data management
- Quality system
- Evaluating the research
- Reporting and Dissemination
The uniqueness of the course lay in the fact that each team were asked to bring their own research protocol. Each group went through each topic of the course viewing it through the lens of their own research protocol. This led to an enriching experience of self-reflection, identifying gaps if any, discuss solution to plug these gaps which we could then implement in our respective projects. The lectures were made interactive by case vignettes during each session which encouraged to bring about different viewpoints that further enhanced the understanding of each topic. Presentations of each protocol helped us understand the varying contexts in which each team was working and helped us realize that there is no single fit solution for even similar problems that could exist in different contexts. Overall the course was a good first step to start looking towards developing standards in newer areas of public health research which could potentially improve the quality of the research being carried out.
by iphindia | Mar 15, 2011 | Blog
A critique of Draft National Health Research Policy 2011
Health systems research and the Gadchiroli debate: a plea for universal and equitable ethics
Good governance in health care: the Karnataka experience
Health Financing: Protecting the Poor
by iphindia | Jan 21, 2011 | Latest Updates
Publication year : 2011
Citation : Prashanth, NS, Bhojani, U & Soors, W. 2011. Health systems research and the Gadchiroli debate: a plea for universal and equitable ethics. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. 8(1). Jan-Mar 2011 issue. Link or Download pdf.