IPH (Institute of Public Health) & ITM (Institute of Tropical Medicine) are partners in the Health Inc project. Werner Soors elaborates on the development of the SPEC-by-step tool for layered analysis of social exclusion in health. Tanya Seshadri shares a practical example where the tool is pre-tested on the preliminary data of an ongoing RSBY (Rashtriya Swasthaya Bima Yojna) WHO-Alliance study.
Date: 18th August 2011
The full presentation can be downloaded here (3Mb)
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Part 1
The twinned concepts of social exclusion/inclusion
We introduce the concepts of social exclusion, specifically social exclusion in health, and the interaction of social exclusion and inclusion. For the latter, the Indian example of reservation serves as an example.
Part 2
Development of the SPEC-by-step tool
We develop the SPEC-by-step tool: a generic, structured checklist to provide guidance for analysis of social exclusion in social health protection programmes. We take you through each level and step of the tool.
part 1
part 2
Part 3
Pre-testing the SPEC-by-step tool on an existing dataset
We exemplify the SPEC-by-step tool as an eye-opener by starting to apply it on the preliminary data of an ongoing RSBY WHO-Alliance study. (A cautionary note: preliminary unclean data is utilised for this example to understand application of this tool and is not related to the ongoing RSBY WHO-Alliance study)
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