Our Team

Murali Krishna (Faculty)

Dr. Murali Krishna is a trained psychiatrist with specific training and expertise in management of mental disorders among both working age and among the geriatrics. Having nearly two decades  of clinical experience in management of mental disorders he is also trained in delivering cognitive behavioral therapy and cognitive stimulation therapies.
His expertise is not limited to the clinical aspect but also in the field of research. He is known for conducting population based birth cohort studies in low and middle income countries. He has successfully collaborated with leading scientists across disciplines that has resulted in enriching the cohorts with genetic, molecular and environmental data.
He is also involved in development of mobile applications for diagnosis of dementia and delivery of therapies to their families.
The Global Atlantic Brain Fellow award from the Global Brain Health Institute, Dublin
Early career public health fellowship from Wellcome UK
are few awards that adds to his credit
He has several publications in peer reviewed journals.