Health-in All and the Tribal Population in South India

Duration of project
(2015 to 2016)
A collaborative research by researchers from the Institute of Tropical Medicine (Antwerp) and the Institute of Public Health (Bengaluru) with tribal populations in South India (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala) confirmed and unraveled social exclusion as a major obstacle to health and wellbeing. For health systems to effectively respond to the health needs of these particularly vulnerable populations, an approach is needed that reaches beyond the health sector, to be able to redress exclusion at large. In 2015-16, both the institutes engaged with professional filmmaker, Lode Desmet. Leading to production of ‘Health in All’ documentary. This film makes a case for a ‘health-in all policy’ approach, starting from the realities and needs as voiced by members of tribal communities.
Health in All and the tribal population in South India