Health and Wellness Centre- Innovation Learning Centre
Duration of project
(Feb 2020 to Jan 2022)
India is a developing country undergoing epidemiological and demographic transitions where non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, respiratory, and other chronic diseases, account for over 60% of total mortality. If comprehensive primary health care is provided it can reduce the mortality and morbidity and can reduce the needs of secondary and tertiary care. For
primary health care to be comprehensive, it needs to span across preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and palliative aspects of care. Increasingly policies and programmes in India now focus on providing comprehensive primary health care in both rural as well as urban areas. The budget announcement on Feb 2017 includes the provision of establishing 1,50,000 Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs). These
HWCs will be the transformed form of sub centre/Primary health care centers and they will provide Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) services.
The implementation of HWC works on several components and various factors determine its functionality and effectiveness. In order to understand the importance of these HWC, the ‘Innovation Learning Centre’ project will work as a study model and will also act as a site of inspiration for other programme officers of other blocks/wards and districts nearby. This project will intensify and support
comprehensive primary health care.
The project focuses on assessing the interventions required to plus implementation gaps. It will also identify the capacity building needs in terms of leadership, motivation, and technical knowledge and skills that are required for the delivery of CPHC. The project will provide the training to facility staff and frontline healthcare workers for delivering the new service packages according to the local needs.
The key area of the project advocacy focuses on the assessment of the workload, work processes, and organization of services for CPHC. The research part also includes documentation, reporting, analysis, and maintenance of the data. This will help in assessing the local disease burden and co-morbidities.
1. To generate and document evidence through rigorous hand holding to provide comprehensive health care in the context of selected HWCs which could be later scaled up to other sites.
2. To identify implementation gaps in the selected HWCs.
3. Identify and implement solutions/interventions to address the existing implementation gaps.
4. To implement innovative programmes/interventions to improve the delivery of comprehensive primary healthcare.
1. Karuna Trust and Institute of Public Health, Bangalore
2. National Health System Resource Centre, Delhi.
3. State Health Society, Karnataka